Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Death & Disease

You never know how something will effect you till it hits home.

I was out of work in Feb and My "little brother" Nori took Me with him to a special friends get together. I felt bad cause I didnt have money to pay .... and ended up drunk. I promiced him the next time was on Me .... that was when things went from bad to worse. I was nearly homeless and when I moved here I promiced Myself I would make it right. Shortly after getting My mobile phone I called Nori to tell Him the good news about My move and job, when he gave the phone to his wife and she told Me he has "Graves Disease". I was very shocked. So I have been dealing with this since I found out.

Well a few days ago I find a van to fit My needs, but the only thing is it is in Hachiouji, the city I moved from. So I had to return there to sign the paperwork and pay on it so I could get things rolling. So I figured since I was there ..... I would stop in a bar I used to go to, so I could get the name and addy of a friends restaurant who used to work there. I was shocked to find out that he had passed away 2 weeks prior. He is about My age ..... so I took it hard. I called off work and told My little brother about it.

I had put My tora to bed and I too layed down. I went out to get some food when My phone rang. Nori called and asked if I could meet him in a city near here. I couldnt say no. It was kind of a reunion, as the old boss We both worked for was opening yet another restaurant. The staff there is not good and the food was not what I expected from one of his shops. After that We returned and Nori and I went close to My place ... I wanted to make up for the time he gave Me. We ended up getting in at 5ish in the morning. I told Myself only 90 mins of sleep and then up so I could be with My girls if they were on b4 work. But I woke just b4 9AM so had to dash out and to work. I was glad I only had to oversee some people today .... as I was fighting sleep. But had some people and things on My mind (especially tora). So when I got off work I messaged her, but she wasnt around. I havent heard from her yet and I am missing her dearly. I guess I will end here till next time.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Moving Day??????

Was supposed to be painting the room I am to move into, but that was a bust. Seems it was needed for guests. So it will be delayed.

I have calmed down and just relaxing in the office. Kinda pissed cause My PC is fucking up and I have to come here to do things.

Saturday, August 22, 2009


Was just a hectic and frustrating day. The cleaning took longer than I wanted on the bathroom from hell. I managed to get most of the mold and mildew out. So the walls are now clean and not black. I painted the kickboards and doorjams .... and window frame. Then all heel broke lose as I saw 3 guests coming to the hotel.

Well to put a long story short, another couple arrived as well and with the hotel manager off, Did not make it easy to check them in. As none of the usual paperwork was done. I was to paint another place today, but it would be into the night b4 I am done.

So I guess I will do that tomorrow and try to get some of My new room painted as well tomorrow. And whatever time I have on Monday. As I scheduled to do something else on Monday which now is on the back burner. So I have to get My room done and moved and My old room painted and cleaned once out of it. So will be working some long hours next week. My take a comp day mid week to make up for tomorrow.

On a lighter note. My tora is really coming around. I worry about her nightmares that she has been having since Us talking about Balck Domination. Well I hope to be able to squash the fears and shock she had b4 and turn them into something special.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

back to drop a little knowledge about Me.

I am a bit removed from what others think. As I see things have been changed thru the years to benefit only some. Like with any religion, are the words We are taught the actual words that were first spoke or seen and acted upon? How much was lost over the years due to bad memory or simply just a miss in communication? Are We really following what We are truly supposed to or that which We think We are supposed to?

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Is it a Dream or Reality

This will be the first of many I hope ... just kidding it will be of more.

I almost have to pinch Myself at times cause what I have now is like what I have dreamed. I have a good job .... and they pay will soon also be better than b4. I have the starts of the Gorean Family I wish to have in real time. I have 6 wonderful children and 1 grandson. What more could I want? Maybe a certain slave to be with Me and some other things to fall into place faster .... lol.